Referencing Resources

In graviton based servers documents may be linked using JSON-Reference. Currently only links targeting documents are supported.

As per the specs, links are presented in a $ref attribute. Links in graviton services contain a fully qualified URL.

$ref in Schemas

Given the following document that has a link to another document on the graviton server.

  "$ref": ""

The following schema might be generated.

  "title": "Example Resource",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "$ref": {
      "title": "Reference",
      "description": "Resource this link references.",
      "type": "string",
      "format": "extref",
      "x-collection": [

The format key with a value of extref allows clients to recognize that a link points to a graviton service.

In such cases the x-collection attribute exposes a list of valid collections that may be used in links. In the above example the values from could be used to populate a list of possible links by a client.

The x-collection attribute also supports containing a value of *. The wildcard value specifies that any valid graviton service may be used as a link target.

Querying $ref Entries

While querying $ref entries, the usual RQL encoding rules have to be followed.

A query fetching the above example would look as follows.

To fetch a list of entries to populate a select box you might combine this with the select() operator.,name)

Special Cases

Querying nested objects may use the . or the .. operator. This depends on whether you are searching inside an array or an object.

Given the following resource.

  "object": {
    "$ref": ""
  "array": [
      "$ref": ""

You may use the following queries (note the operator before %24ref).