
Graviton supports an event based subscription feature. With this, it is possible for worker agents to subscribe on certain events that happen. At the moment, this is limited to data changing events (PUT, POST, DELETE).

This allows a worker to be notified on any data changes that happen - a worker can flexibly subscribe to whatever it is interested.

If a worker is subscribed on a certain event, an EventStatus resource is created that allows a worker to update its progress. This again makes it possible for interested parties (like GUI clients) to follow up on the status of certain actions.

The interface between Graviton and the worker is a messaged based queue supporting the AMQP protocol, we use RabbitMQ. AMQP is widely adopted and bindings exists in virtually any environment, making it possible to write a worker in any language that possesses those bindings and a HTTP client.

When a worker is registered it can also create a /event/action/ translation for frontend usage. Then when a event is stored it can be linked to a description of the work being done.

When this should be used

This feature is intended for any features that require “background work”, like sending an email when a certain record has been created. One could write an agent that generates a PDF from the user input (subscribing on the relevant events), then POSTing the PDF into the /file service.

The advantages on using this approach:

  • It allows to implement additional (maybe client specific) logic without touching the core product
  • As workers can be in any language, it gives more people the possibility to write this logic.
  • The async’esque design with issuing a EventStatus object as a HTTP resource allows clients and workers to deal more easily with connection interruptions or crashes of different components.

Detailed information

Writing a worker

The typical workflow for a worker is as follows:

  • The worker registers itself on the service /event/worker/ by PUTing his ID and subscription(s)
  • The worker connects to a message bus (the same as Graviton) and creates or binds to a work queue.
  • The worker waits for incoming messages indefinitely.
  • Now, whenever a data change event happens to which the worker is subscribed, it will receive a message on the queue.
  • If the worker receives a message, it must be JSON decoded first.
  • Then, the worker needs to set it’s status to working (by PUTing a new version of the EventStatus object).
  • The worker does his work
  • The worker sets his status to done (again, by PUTing a new version of the EventStatus object).

Update your status immediately!

It is vital that the worker sets it's status to `working` *immediately* after receiving the message! This should happen as fast as possible. First, to let users know that the worker picked it up, but also to make it impossible for another instance of the worker to pick up the work.

To enable this functionality, Graviton provides two services for Event handling:

  • /event/worker/
    Service where the worker registers itself
  • /event/status/
    A service providing EventStatus resources where the user sees the status (and the worker updates it).

EventWorker: Registering your worker

Graviton needs to be aware which workers are interested in which events. An EventStatus will only be created on the users’ data changing request if a worker is registered and subscribed to that specific event. Those registered worker IDs will then be included in the status array property of the EventStatus, allowing the worker to set its status.

A worker must register itself with a simple PUT request to the /event/worker/ collection. curl example:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '
    "id": "example",
    "subscription": [
        "event": "*"
}' ''

As you can see, the structure you PUT consists of the following:

  • id
    This is the ID of your worker as you register it. Also not that this must be in the url you PUT to, so you PUT to /event/worker/<workerId>.
  • subscription
    An array of objects. In each object you have an event property with the event name you want to subscribe to. You can subscribe to multiple events.

Pick your worker ID wisely

Keep in mind that your worker ID *must* be unique within the Graviton instance your registering. So pick a worker ID that shall be unique, don't choose it to generic. Also note that a worker ID should be a simple word, not containing any spaces. Graviton will issue an error if you have invalid characters in your worker ID. See [the naming guide](/technical/guides/naming_guide/) if you need inspiration.

An example to subscribe to multiple events would be:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -d '
    "id": "example",
    "subscription": [
        "event": "*"
        "event": "document.i18n.language.*"
}' ''

Finding the correct event names

For every event that happens, Graviton publishes its message using a defined event name on the queue.

This event name is always a 4 (four) component string and consists of:

  • [namespace].[bundle].[controller].[action]

A typical event name then may be:

Detailed explanation of this components:

  • namespace
    A prefix for allowing different event kinds in the future. Currently, only the document namespace exists to catch changes on documents.
  • bundle
    This is the internal bundle name Graviton uses.
  • controller
    This is the internal controller name Graviton uses.
  • action
    This is a string identifying what action happened on that record. See below for possible values.

Each service exposes its event names in its schema. If you check the schema of the /core/app/ service by issuing a GET request on /schema/core/app/collection, you will see a x-event array property. Example:

"x-events": [
  • *.update
    Fires when the user issues a PUT request.
  • *.create
    Fires when the user issues a POST request.
  • *.delete
    Fires when the user issues a DELETE request.

Event name levels

As you can see, the event name is always a string formatted as [namespace].[bundle].[controller].[action] (always four parts). Note that this offers the possibility to select your scope by subscribing with multiple wildcards, as in this example:

    You will receive all record creating requests on /core/app
    You will receive all events on /core/app
  • document.core.*.*
    You will receive all events on /core/*
  • document.*.*.*
    You will receive all events on everything

All those strings are valid subscription names in /event/worker/

Narrow your scope

We urge you to **not** abuse this. It should be common sense to only subscribe to the specific events you need. So please choose your subscription keys as specific as possible!

EventStatus: Track your status

If Graviton detects that a data changing request has been done on a resource a worker subscribed to, it will create an EventStatus resource located in the /event/status/ collection. It also incorporates the URL to this EventStatus resource into the response sent to the client on his PUT/POST/DELETE request in the Link header. This allows the client to directly poll that URL for any changes workers do.

Anatomy of an EventStatus

A typical EventStatus looks like this:

  "id": "ed5670e2a09835d2afe3e1b73e2939df",
  "createDate": "2015-09-10T14:27:47+0000",
  "eventName": "",
  "status": [
      "workerId": "worker1",
      "status": "opened"
      "workerId": "worker2",
      "status": "opened"
      "workerId": "shell-exec",
      "status": "done"
  "information": []

As you can see, status is an array of objects. It is important to realize that your worker shares the same status resource with other workers. You shall only modify the parts that concern your own worker. An EventStatus is shared between workers to simplify the process of determining the complete status of a certain task the end user opened. For example, the creation of a certain resource may lead to the sending of an email and then to the generation of a PDF, actions done by different workers.

Note that this also opens to possibility for your worker to check for the status of a worker you maybe need to wait for.

So your main concern must be that your worker sets the status field of the array element that has its workerId property.

The possible status values are:

  • opened
    Graviton has created the event, no worker started its work.
  • working
    A worker is currently working on that item.
  • done
    A worker has finished his work.
  • failed
    A worker picked up the work, but finished in a failed state.

If you pass any other values for status, Graviton will reject your request as invalid.

The information array property

The /event/status/ resource contains an information property that gives workers the opportunity to write some specific information regarding that can be picked up by the event creator (ie the client pulling the event status).

The information is an array property, containing objects of the following structure:

    "information": [
            "workerId": "worker2",
            "type": "error",
            "content": "Could not write file to disk."
            "workerId": "worker1",
            "type": "info",
            "content": "See the generated document",
            "$ref": ""

The properties of the information object are as follows:

  • workerId
    The ID of your worker. This field is required.
  • type
    The type of information. Valid values are: debug, info, warning, error. If you pass any other value, your request will be rejected. This field is required.
  • content
    A string containing the information you want to pass. This field is required.
  • $ref
    An optional reference to any resource you may want to reference. This could be the place for a /file upload you generated with your worker.

What you receive on the queue

Graviton sends data of the content-type application/json to the queue. Depending on your AMPQ client implementation this may already be deserialized to an object automatically or you will need to deserialize it yourself.

A typical message of Graviton would be like this:


If you deserialize this, you will get a simple object:

  "event": "",
  "document": {
    "$ref": ""
  "status": {
    "$ref": ""

We call this object structure QueueEvent. Let’s have a look at its properties:

  • event
    This is the event name that Graviton published. See the section Finding the correct event names how Graviton composes those.
  • document.$ref
    The public reachable URL to the document that was affected by the change.
  • status.$ref
    The URL to the EventStatus resource created for this event. Update your worker status in this object.

Routing keys

Understand that the Graviton event name (** in this example) corresponds with the RabbitMQ *routing key*. So if you bind to the topic exchange with, *\**, you will receive all events concerning `/core/app/`.

Eventless operations

If no worker has subscribed to a certain event, Graviton will not create an EventStatus object and thus the statusUrl property of the QueueObject is empty.

The user perspective

Let’s not forget the user perspective. If an API user makes a request on a resource to which (any number of) workers are subscribed, the user will receive an EventStatus rel in his Link header response.

So if the user issues a PUT to /core/app/ and there’s a worker subscribed to that event in /event/worker/:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" '
    "id": "admin",
    "showInMenu": true,
    "order": 50,
    "name": {
      "en": "Administration"
}' ''

In the response we will see an addition to the Link header:

Link: <>; rel="self",<>; rel="eventStatus"

Note that we now have an eventStatus rel entry. The client shall parse this and keep it for reference. This resource can be pulled in a desired frequency to check for status property changes done by the workers. Using this, a client can simulate its user a progress display of the events it caused.

When is something ‘done’

The convention is that all work has successfully been finished when all members of the status array have set their status to the string “done”.


Let’s try and sum this all up. If we create a worker, we will need to implement the logic for:

  • Registering our worker
  • Connecting to or creating the RabbitMq work queue and consuming messages
  • Updating the EventStatus resource
  • Doing our work
  • Failure handling

We could describe every single step here, but at the end the code speaks for itself.

We created an example worker implementation in our Github organization. Please take a look at this example implementation (see the file src/Worker.php for a complete code example).

Java base library

We maintain a Java base library that simplifies the creation of Java based workers.